How to make money with Lorcana – Invest in Disney’s TCG

After the crazy price hikes of Pokemon cards, I’m sure you’re here to figure out how to make money with Lorcana, the new trding card game by Disney and Ravensburger.

In this article we’ll see dos and don’ts to earn from this investment and the best tips for maximizing returns.

How to make money with Lorcana

To make money with the Lorcana trading card game you have to buy the rarest and most interesting products to resell them at a premium price.

The beauty of investing in collectible card games is that they have only one possible type of gain, which is the difference between buying and selling price.

That’s all you can come up with. So study the market now that no one is particularly interested yet, since as we approach the weeks leading up to the release interest will explode and everyone will become an expert on Lorcana without actually knowing anything about it.

The Lorcana trading card game market is still in its infancy, so you can earn a lot of money
Now the market is still free

Instead, you will have formed yourself long ago and know what to buy, what will gain value and what can be left out.

Investing in Lorcana Trading Card Game

When the cards are released you can finally proceed with your investment in Disney’s Lorcana TCG.

My advice is to act pre-order, to avoid being without the first pieces which are usually also the rarest and most sought after.

Also rely on sites that guarantee delivery and can handle a large number of orders.

Otherwise you may find yourself with only a refund and an apology e-mail, which certainly does not repay your lost investment.

Another suggestion I feel like giving you, since the market always behaves this way good or bad, is to wait to buy.

In fact, there will be many people caught up in enthusiasm who will make crazy expenditures only to realize a few weeks later that they have over-exposed themselves on an investment that is not very liquid and will pay off many years from now.

Wait for and intercept their listings on now or on ebay, that way you can get new products at bargain prices.

Is Lorcana a good investment?

If the game (as I suppose) will be a huge success, booster box or a crate of the first set sealed and unopened will probably make you a lot of money.

Since we are in the investments sector, bear in mind that nothing is guarantee, so you can end up with nothing in hand (except for the cards, of course!)

Don’ts (lose money with Lorcana cards)

There are many ways to lose money buying Lorcana Disney cards, which are actually common to almost all investments.

You can lose money with Lorcana like that:

  • Being in a hurry to sell
  • Buying from illegal sites
  • Storing the product badly

Being in a hurry to sell

An investment in Pokemon cards took about 20 years before bearing fruit, so you should not believe that Lorcana’s timeline is less.

In addition, it needs to be understood how Disney and Ravensburger will act in managing the releases of the various products (will they be limited? Will they reprint any?), all of which goes to heavily affect the value and the time it takes for prices to reach attractive levels.

Also remember that there will be a lot of people buying to invest in Lorcana, keeping the product sealed to resell later.

This will lead to a high level of supply which will inevitably mean low prices for a long time.

Buying from illegal sites

The only important thing is to guarantee to the buyer the origin of the product.

The top would be to keep it in the box we received complete with invoice, so that we can prove that we bought it from an official store.

By taking it from doubtful sites and making excessively low prices we risk incurring unauthorized replications that we will not be able to resell.

Storing the product badly

Once you have purchased it, you must set it aside where you are sure it will not spoil. Its main enemies are light, knocks and moisture (along with the curiosity of children).

So put it out of sight, but if you want it to remain in view, try to put it in a sheltered place.

What is Lorcana – Disney’s Trading Card Game

Lorcana is a trading card game (tcg) produced by Disney and Ravensburger.

You will be able to find all the characters belonging to the world of comic books and beyond, with cards dedicated to Mickey Mouse, Minnie, the wicked witches of all the most famous cartoons and much more.

Avery long list of more than 200 cards is currently available (source cardshoplive), but I am sure many more will be announced as time goes on.

Below you can see an example of a card (with really nice graphics) and you will also understand how it works.

Mickey Mouse trading cards on Lorcana may be one of the most expensive
Mickey’s Lorcana Trading Card

Each will have a class and abilities that will have advantages or disadvantages fighting with opponents’ cards.

Lorcana release date

The stated release date for the Lorcana card game is fall 2023 (source official site).

In fact, on the home page that time frame is clearly indicated, as you can see from the image below.

Lorcana release date set for fall 2023
Lorcana release date fall 2023

On their instagram profile is declared an anticipated presentation from August 3 to 6, 2023 at gencon in Indanapolis.

In any case I will keep this article updated with all official dates, so that you will always find the useful information available.

Where can you buy Lorcana cards

  • Amazon
  • eBay
  • Online stores
  • Physical stores


It seems that Amazon, in anticipation of the official release of the Lorcana Disney cards, has already created a product page with the three starter packs.

At the moment the product is obviously unavailable, but I have no doubt that as soon as it becomes available you can buy it without any problems.

Amazon has already created the Disney trading card game product Lorcana
On Amazon the product is already there

The listing is handled and shipped by Amazon, so I don’t think some third-party seller created the product. This makes me think that the page is to keep an eye on to see how available the preorder will be.


eBay has already lots of Lorcana cards, PSA graded, at really high price (2.000 $ and more) and surely when the new products arrive there will be a rush to put them on sale as soon as possible.

Given the reliability of the marketplace, I would also feel comfortable buying them from this site (choosing reliable sellers with lots of feedback).

Online stores

There are already many online stores offering pre-sales of products, but until there is an official release date and a final product line-up, I would honestly refrain from giving money outright.

Certainly then we would be reimbursed, but in the meantime we lost precious days to invest our money on Disney’s Lorcana trading cards.

Physical stores

There is no word yet on the distribution network in the world, but seeing how it went for Magic and Pokemon, I am sure that Lorcana products (booster box, boxes, and more) will be available at newsstands and in well-stocked toy stores.


For those who missed the early days of Pokemon cards or for those who bought them but did not store them properly causing them to lose a lot of value, this is a fantastic second chance.

In fact, this Disney and Ravensburger card game can make us earn a lot of money if we manage the whole investment process correctly.

We need to keep abreast of the release date, any unique and special pieces, and other features that can increase the value of products.

Then it is mandatory to use reliable stores, especially if you buy online. While in the store simply check that the boxes are in perfect condition.

Finally, we must store them properly, remembering that no one knows exactly when our investment in Lorcana cards will pay off.

In fact, it may even be our children who make money from our purchase, so let’s already put that into consideration. Buying only to be in a hurry to sell is one of the worst things you can do.


This article is only informational and NOT for professional or educational purposes. The topics covered must not be understood as financial advice.

Do not sell or purchase of the financial securities covered.

You must always think with your own head and act only if you understand what you are doing. If not, better stay still.

In any case, only invest capital that you are willing to lose, because that is what could happen!

The author and the website disclaim all responsibility for any action taken or not taken based on the content of this article.

Sezione FAQ

Lorcana Releas Date

Lorcana release date is August 2023

What is Disney Lorcana

Lorcana is a trading card game featuring all the most famous Disney characters.

Will lorcana be a good investment

It’s highly possible that this card game will be a success, since it’s a Disney product

Is Lorcana a good investment?

Lorcana will be a good investment if the cards will have a great success and will sell a lot

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