How to make money with Barbie [all possible methods]

If you’re thinking that it’s impossible to make money with Barbies because they’re just a child’s toy-you’re wrong!

In fact, these iconic dolls, beloved around the world, turn out to be anunexpected hidden treasure for those looking for new investment and income opportunities.

Yes, you got it right: it is possible to make money with Barbies and in this article we are going to look at all the ways (conventional and unconventional) that we can use to have additional income thanks to this market that is exploding as a result of the world-wide success of the movie.

How to make money with Barbies

Earning money with Barbies may seem like an odd idea to many, but in the world of collectibles, these toys can turn into a real gold mine.

Like any collectible, the value of a Barbie doll can increase over time, making a significant profit possible if it is sold at the right time.

But that’s not all, in fact there are several ways to monetize your passion and make money from these dolls.

Clearly each has its own specifics and potential, but I am sure you will find the one that suits you best.

Methods for earning money with Barbies are:

Investing in Mattel stock

It is possible to earn money with Barbie by investing in Mattel stock, which is the company that produces them.

The company right now has a colossal opportunity to relaunch itself because of the success of the film, and if it does things right we could see great growth in the future.

Sort of like Lego did, which was on the verge of bankruptcy and thanks to the earnings from the “Lego movie” saved itself (source).

The stock is currently trading at $21.25, as you can see from the image below.

Mattel stock is a great way to make money with Barbie
Mattel stock performance

The growth in value in recent weeks is evident, certainly due to the release of the movie Barbie.


  • Great time to take advantage of the trend
  • Ease of purchase on the most popular brokers


  • Risk of losing capital (if Mattel fails)
  • Registration with a broker required

Buying Barbie collectibles

Collectible Barbie dolls are special dolls, often produced in limited editions or linked to specific events, can acquire value over time and become objects of desire for collectors.

You can earn money with collectible Barbie dolls
Buy the right one and you’ll have excellent earnings

Buying Barbie collectibles can be a smart investment, but it requires a good dose of research and patience.

You should learn to recognize which ones have the potential to increase in value, monitor auctions and sales sites, and, of course, be ready to act when the right opportunity presents itself.

But where to find these collectible Barbies? My advice, to avoid any problems whatsoever, is to buy them on their release in stores. In fact, this is when you will go to pay the lowest price for them.

If you wait and buy them from someone else, you will definitely go and spend more and you will not be assured of originality and proper preservation.

However, remember that not all collectible Barbies will increase in value.

Some may stay on the same purchase price or even decline. This is where your expertise and ability to recognize market trends comes in.

An example

The example you see in this eBay listing is of a 2018 Christmas Barbie, which is now selling for $220, while its purchase price was around $30. A 700% growth in 5 years.

Collectible Barbie that has increased in value over time
eBay listing

The interesting thing is that some older editions (2016 or 2017) have not reached these values but are stuck at 80-90$.

It still remains a good gain, but it makes us realize that it is not trivial to figure out which dolls will be successful and which will not.

Finally, remember that conservation is key. A collectible Barbie in excellent condition will always be more desirable to collectors and may fetch more when you decide to sell it.


  • High return potential if it increases in value
  • Satisfaction in finding and buying a rare Barbie doll
  • Opportunity to combine hobby with earning opportunity


  • Requires a good understanding of the market
  • Not all Barbie collectibles will increase in value
  • It is necessary to have a suitable place to store them

Restoration of damaged Barbie dolls

Another method for gaining with Barbies is restoration of damaged dolls.

If you have the skills needed or are willing to learn, restoration can turn into a profitable business.

Antique or rare Barbies often suffer the signs of time.

They may have tangled hair, faded makeup, or ruined clothes. In some cases, the doll may even have missing parts.

That’s where the restorer comes in. With the right skills, you can restore these dolls to their original splendor, increasing their value significantly.

Barbie restoration is an art.

It requires precision, patience and a good eye for detail. You should learn how to repair and replace damaged parts, fix hair and restore makeup.

Despite the challenge, restoration can be a rewarding activity that allows you to earn money from Mattel dolls and also gives you the opportunity to save items that might otherwise end up in landfills.


  • Ability to give new life to damaged Barbie dolls
  • Restoration activity can be rewarding and creative
  • Significant income opportunity if you can restore rare or antique Barbie dolls


  • Requires specific skills and an initial investment in tools and materials
  • Not all damaged Barbies can be successfully restored
  • Some Barbies may lose value if restored

Launching an assessment and authentication service

Another way to make money in this area is to start a evaluation and authentication service.

This method requires a deep knowledge of the Barbie market and the ability to recognize rare and valuable dolls.

Collectors, especially those who are considering investing significant amounts of money, often seek appraisal services to ensure that the doll they are buying is authentic and worth the asking price.

Here’s where your service comes in: If you are able to provide accurate and reliable ratings, you could earn a commission for each doll you review.

Starting an appraisal and authentication service is not an easy task. It requires a solid understanding of Barbie history, the ability to recognize differences between editions, and the eye to detect signs of fakes.

You will also need to be able to determine the state of preservation of a doll, which is a crucial factor in determining its value.

Above all, you will have to start off slow and build your reputation as you go so that people will contact you and request your skills.

Also, if things turn out really well, you might even be contacted by Mattel to join their official staff and take your career to another level.


  • Opportunities to work with rare and valuable Barbies
  • Opportunities to monetize your knowledge of the Barbie market
  • Ability to help other collectors make safe purchases


  • Requires in-depth knowledge of the Barbie market
  • Reputation is critical, so incorrect evaluations can hurt your business
  • Need to invest in training or certifications

Creating merchandising

To take advantage of this trend, a great way is to create your own products.

Barbie merchandising can include a variety of products, such as t-shirts, posters, hats, bags, and more. You can create original designs inspired by the film, or produce complementary accessories for the dolls themselves, such as clothes or furniture for the Barbie house.

The advent of e-commerce platforms has made it easier than ever to start a merchandising business, in fact you can sell your products on sites such as Etsy or eBay.

And this you can do either if you create the items by hand yourself, or if you use print on demand services to create the product at the time of order and have no inventory.

One of the most important things to remember is to be observant of copyright laws. In fact, you absolutely will not be able to create a T-shirt with the Barbie logo printed on it, as you will be immediately blocked.

Create something that is inspired by and reminiscent of the original, but does not infringe on the registered trademark.

Last, but crucial, is to have a good sense for marketing and promotion. In fact, you will have to attract the attention of your target audience and convince them to choose your products.


  • No initial investment
  • Col print on demand non serve magazzino
  • Wide variety of possible products


  • Requires skills in design or manufacturing
  • Need to manage customer service
  • Need to comply with copyright and trademark laws

3D printing components

Another avenue for gaining with Barbies has opened up with the advent of 3D printing: the creation of custom parts for Barbies.

This can include furniture, clothes, accessories, and even parts of Barbie herself, such as heads or hands.

To get started, you’ll need a 3D printer (this is one of the best for value for money) and design software.

You can print 3d objects for Barbie dolls by reselling them
Great 3d printer to start creating objects

You will have to learn how to use both, but there are many online resources to help you. Once you have your equipment and have acquired the necessary skills, you can start designing and printing your own components.

Sell your products on e-commerce sites such as Etsy, eBay or open your own online store.

In addition, you might also consider selling your digital designs to those who own a 3D printer and prefer to print the components themselves.

This way you won’t have to have stock or make packages to ship items. You will solve all the problems with a simple email.

Even for this method, reputation must be created day by day. So produce quality components, test them, and remember to keep copyright and trademark laws in mind.


  • Ability to create unique and customized components
  • Wide earning potential if your products are successful
  • Opportunities to express your creativity


  • Requires an initial investment in a 3D printer
  • Requires technical skills to design and print components
  • Need to comply with copyright laws

Creating a blog about su niche Barbie

The possibilities for gain with a blog are many, starting from advertisements to affiliations by sponsoring or reviewing dolls or various accessories.

The most important thing to have, in any case, are users. In fact, if no one reaches our site it will be impossible to have earnings of any kind.

The great thing about trends is that we are catapulting ourselves into a niche where there is a lot of demand that is not being met, because until now there was no opportunity to monetize because of lack of audience.

By starting a blog now, we can create something that not only can make us money already in the short term, but we can build relationships and partnerships that could durable in the years to come.

Of course, the gains will be smaller but steady. More importantly, in the event of another similar explosion, we would be prepared to earn really high figures.


  • Little competition
  • Ease of creating a blog from scratch
  • Many earning possibilities


  • It takes time
  • You have to write many articles on many different aspects
  • In-depth knowledge of the market

Handmade clothes and accessories

If you have a talent for tailoring or craftsmanship, creating handmade Barbie clothes and accessories could be an excellent way to earn money with Barbies.

This method provides an opportunity to express your creativity and passion for these dolls, while providing a unique and customized product that can be in high demand by collectors and fans.

Clothes and accessories can vary from simple outfits to complex and detailed designs.

You can create clothes based on existing patterns, or you can design your own unique styles. In the accessories area, on the other hand, you can include handbags, shoes, jewelry, hats and more.

Once you’ve created your items, you can sell them on the e-commerce platforms we’ve covered before or go to industry marketplaces to make yourself known personally.

Creating handmade clothes and accessories for Barbie requires time, patience and a high level of craftsmanship.

However, the satisfaction of seeing your designs on a doll and the gain potential they can bring make this method an option worth considering.


  • Unleashing your skills
  • You can make customized and personalized products
  • You will create a unique product


  • It requires time, patience, and a high level of craftsmanship
  • Requires initial investment in materials and equipment

Creating a book or guide for collectors

Are you a expert in this world and have you accumulated a vast knowledge about various models, accessories and its history?

So, creating a collector’s book or guide might be an excellent way to gain with Barbies.

This text can cover a variety of topics, including stories of specific Barbie models, tips on how to identify and avoid fakes, suggestions on how to store and repair dolls, and more.

Your book or guidebook can be published in physical or digital format, and Amazon’s KDP service allows you to generate both versions easily and completely free of charge.

Once you put it up for sale, you will need to make it known to as many people as possible to increase your earnings from sales.

You could also combine multiple methods, perhaps saying within the book that you also do assessments and certifications and saying where they can find you.

Writing books or taking courses increases your authority and authority in the field
A book increases your authority

In this way you will increase your authority in the industry and receive many more inquiries from customers.


  • Opportunities to share your passion and knowledge of Barbies
  • Amazon offers an easy and free publishing platform
  • You will increase your authority in the industry


  • Requires a significant commitment of time and energy
  • You will need to actively promote your book
  • The writing process can be complex and challenging

Barbie’s market

The Barbie market is a fascinating world of bright colors, varied styles, and minute details that capture the attention of millions of collectors.

But besides being a fascinating hobby, it also represents an opportunity to earn and invest.

Some Barbies, especially if rare or vintage, can reach extraordinary figures in collector markets.

We are talking about investments that can yield thousands of euros, making these charming dolls much more than just toys.

Navigating the Barbie market, however, requires some expertise.

You need to learn to recognize rare and valuable Barbies, know market prices, and follow trends, because like any market, it is subject to fluctuations.

Barbie market trend in sharp growth
Barbie market trends on Google Trends

Moreover, thanks to the advent of the digital age, a new way of gaining with Barbies is emerging: the NFT Barbies.

These are digital versions of dolls that can be bought, sold, and traded online (source official site).

A contemporary opportunity that ties in with the nostalgia of physical dolls.

Finally, it is important to emphasize that the Barbie market is not only a money-making opportunity, but also represents a way to relive childhood memories, connect with other enthusiasts, and enjoy the beauty and art that these little dolls can offer.

Because, in the end, investing in Barbie also means investing in a piece of history and pop culture.

How and how much to sell Barbies

If you are thinking of gaining with Barbies, selling is something you need to consider right away (as well as storage).

success in this market depends not only on the ability to identify valuable dolls, but also on how and at what price you sell them.

Determining how much to sell Barbies for is not always an easy task. The value can vary greatly depending on various factors, such as year of production, rarity, state of preservation, and market interest.

The search is your best ally: explore auction sites, forums, and sale sites to get an idea of how much Barbies similar to yours are selling for.

Online sales platforms such as eBay or Subito are a great place to start, however don’t neglect local fairs, collectibles events, and flea markets.

Each sales channel has its own specific audience and can offer different opportunities.

How to store Barbies

If you want to gain with Barbies, conservation is a key aspect.

Well-preserved Barbies maintain a higher value and are much more in demand by collectors.

First of all, it is important to protect dolls from dust, direct sunlight and high temperatures.

It is advisable to store the dolls in a clear plastic box or a specially designed booth.

These containers should be stored in a cool, dry place to prevent damage.

Second, be careful how you handle your Barbies. Avoid touching them too often or playing with them, especially if they are rare or valuable editions.

When you have to handle the dolls, be careful not to ruin the clothes or hair. If possible, use cotton gloves to avoid leaving fingerprints or oils on the doll.

Finally, if they are used or played with, it is important to clean them regularly. Use a soft cloth and mild detergent to clean and avoid using harsh chemicals that could damage the plastic.

The most expensive Barbie doll ever

The most expensive Barbie ever has a value of $302,500 and was sold in 2010 in an auction at Christie’s (source).

This is the Canturi Barbie, which is the most expensive Barbie in the world
The world’s most expensive Barbie doll

It was produced only one specimen that wore a custom-made choker made with white diamonds and a striking pink diamond

Conclusion on how to make money with Barbies

Earning with Barbies may seem like an unusual idea, but as we have seen in this article, there are several real and creative possibilities for doing so.

From the market for Collectible Barbies, to the restoration of damaged ones, from the creation of handmade clothes and accessories to 3D printing of parts.

Let us also not forget the initiation of an appraisal and authentication service, and the writing of books or guides for collectors.

Each of these methods has its pros and cons, and what works best for you will depend on your skills, interests and available resources.

But the important thing is that with dedication, passion and a little creativity, Barbies can be transformed from a mere pastime to a source of income.

Remember that the key to success in any business is knowledge: knowing the market, knowing how and how much to sell Barbies, and understanding how to store them properly are all crucial.

Whether you are a longtime collector or just beginning your journey into the world of Barbies, I hope this article has provided you with some inspiration on how to turn your passion into profit.

Let me know what you think in the comments or by email to

FAQ Section

Can I really make money selling my Barbies?

Yes, especially if your Barbies are rare or collectible. You just have to be careful to correctly determine their value.

How can I determine the value of my Barbies?

You can do this by searching auction or sale sites, consulting collector’s guides, or using an appraisal and authentication service.

What is the best way to store my Barbies?

You should store them in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. If possible, keep them in their original packaging.

What can I do if my Barbie is damaged?

If you have the skills, you might consider restoration. If not, it may be best to seek professional help to avoid further damage.

How much is the most expensive Barbie doll ever worth?

The most expensive Barbie doll ever sold for $302,500


This article is only informational and NOT for professional or educational purposes. The topics covered must not be understood as financial advice.

Do not sell or purchase of the financial securities covered.

You must always think with your own head and act only if you understand what you are doing. If not, better stay still.

In any case, only invest capital that you are willing to lose, because that is what could happen!

The author and the website disclaim all responsibility for any action taken or not taken based on the content of this article.