How to earn money with facebook groups (17 ways)

Facebook is the social network with the most users in the world, so you can take advantage of its services to make money.

One of the most interesting methods is to understand how to make money with Facebook groups, which can be created for free but if used in the right way can get you a steady second income.

Be prepared to turn your social media presence into a source of income.

Earn money with Facebook groups

Here is a list of methods you can use to earn money with Facebook groups:

Offer dedicated previews and discounts

Offering previews and dedicated discounts to members of your Facebook group can increase interest in your products or services.

Remember that this method is especially useful if your group focuses on a niche target.

The exclusive discounts and promotions make group members feel special, and encourage them to share the offers with their friends and acquaintances.

However, it is important to balance the amount and frequency of promotions to avoid saturating group members and keep their interest alive.


  • Increases the perceived value of the group
  • It incentivizes purchases


  • Requires constant updating of offerings
  • Avoid too frequent discounts

Offering free resources

Offering free resources to members of your group is an effective way to attract new members and retain existing ones.

You can offer e-books, guides, video tutorials or other materials of value to your audience.

Don’t focus too much on creating something outstanding, but write down or record what you have in mind and release it as quickly as possible.

That way you will know immediately whether it is of interest or not. If it works, you will be able to refine it over time, and you will also give the idea that the content is constantly being updated.

Post your content as soon as possible so you can figure out how to earn money with the Facebook group
Done is better than perfect

By this I do not mean not to offer value, but rather to give it but in a raw setting, so in video without too many cuts or in e book without excessive revisions.

If you see that no one cares, change strategy and you won’t have wasted too much time.

Free resources can be used as magnets to attract attention and increase your reputation as an expert in your field.

In addition, these resources can serve as the basis for additional paid offerings, such as online courses or customized consultations.


  • Increases interaction in the group
  • Attracts new members


  • Requires high skills to be shared
  • May not generate direct revenue

Lead generation

An effective strategy to gain with Facebook groups is to give access only as long as the user has provided you with certain personal information.

In this way, you can collect contact information from members and use it for email marketing campaigns or other promotional activities.

This technique allows you to create a database of potential customers interested in your industry or product.

It also gives you the opportunity to segment your audience and provide them with content and offers tailored to their preferences.

I recommend that you use a dedicated landing page to collect this information, so that all data is in your possession and not in the hands of Facebook.


  • Gathers valuable information about members
  • Facilitates targeting of marketing campaigns


  • It may discourage some users from joining the group
  • Requires the creation and maintenance of a landing page

Selling products or services

Selling products or services directly through your group is a simple and effective way to earn money with Facebook.

Again, it is necessary to start with the market study, going to discover the wants and needs of people and creating a product or service tailored to make money.

Once you have a bit of a ride, everything will be easier because you can use buyer testimonials and build much more trust in your brand.

To start you can promote your products or services through posts in the group or if you want to push a bit more you can use sponsored campaigns.

With dropshipping you can sell products without initial investment
Sell without any initial investment

You can get off the ground with no upfront investment and no risk by taking advantage of dropshipping, which is delegating all logistics to third-party companies that keep products in stock and do the shipping.

You will go to pay commissions only on orders placed, so when you have already earned the money.

This allows you to test different combinations and offers, but don’t overdo it. You would run the risk of confusing members and making their purchase unlikely.


  • Generates direct revenue
  • Zero cost


  • Greater commitment to group management
  • Product selection and research


Affiliations are the easiest way to monetize Facebook groups.

You can collaborate with companies that offer products or services complementary to your industry and earn a commission each time a group member makes a purchase through your affiliate link.

Or you can join Amazon Affiliate and promote any product in their catalog.

This will start to give you a decent passive income when the group has a few thousand users, until then work on getting as many people as possible to sign up.

The major affiliate platforms allow you to get started for free, so you can sign up and test your skills right away.

Last important thing, remember to be clear with users and emphasize that you have gains if they buy that product. And remember to not be swayed by money to propose something shoddy.


  • Generates passive income
  • Great range of products and services to offer


  • Your group’s reputation may be affected by the quality of affiliate products
  • Risk of losing members’ trust if you are not transparent about memberships

Premium subscriptions

Offering premium subscriptions is an effective way to make money with Facebook groups and represents the natural evolution of a group that offers increasing value.

When you share and help people, it is only fair to get directly paid by those who benefit.

You can create an exclusive group for members who pay a monthly or annual fee and offer them additional content, resources, and services than free group members.

Or you can use platforms like Patreon or BuyMeACoffee to manage all the private content you want to provide.

Subscribers will have access to unpublished content, personalized advice, discounts on your products or services, and participation in online or offline events reserved for premium members.

Remember that when someone pays, they want a service in return. So you have to make sure you give even more value than you did before when the group was free.

If you can reach this level, I congratulate you. In fact it isreally difficult (I speak from personal experience) to charge people to sign up for something they can have even for free.

Precisely because of this, the percentage of those who will abandon the subscription will also be lower.


  • Generates recurring revenue
  • Increase the perceived value of your brand


  • Creation and management of additional content
  • Difficult to convince members to pay for a subscription

Sponsored Posts

Through the sponsored posts we can earn money by advertising other companies or brands with dedicated content.

When you have built a very strong and cohesive community,companies will start contacting you to promote their products for a fee.

Again, don’t be dazzled by money and try to skim offers that don’t provide value to your followers.

The priority must always remain to give value to members, whatever “value” means to the people enrolled in your group.

To be successful with this strategy, try to obtain partnerships that benefit everyone, then offer exclusive discount codes to followers.

This will also increase your reputation.


  • Generates direct revenue
  • Opportunities for collaboration with companies and brands


  • Risk of losing members if sponsored posts are excessive
  • Your group’s reputation could be affected by sponsored products

Creating traffic

You can use your Facebook group to create traffic to your website, blog or YouTube channel and monetize indirectly.

This is one of the strategies I personally apply and whenever I post something interesting and publish a video, I also share it on my Facebook page and on the Becoming a Millionaire group.

It is a practice shared by all of the social networks that allows us to maximize the attention that we have been able to create on that particular platform.

Once members visit your site or view the video, you can monetize the traffic through advertisements or other monetization strategies you have implemented.

Or I can charge and make money directly for sending people to certain pages on other websites.


  • Increase the visibility of your channels
  • Boosts indirect revenue through advertising and sales


  • Requires the creation and promotion of high-quality content
  • May not generate direct revenue


Merchandising selling is a fun and very interesting method when it comes to online revenue.

Dico che è divertente perché ci permette di spaziare tra un’ampissima gamma di prodotti che possiamo personalizzare con il nostro logo ed i nostri colori.

By doing so, especially if your group is focused on a specific theme or fandom, we will have at our disposal a effective way to gain with Facebook groups.

You can create and sell custom products such as T-shirts, caps, mugs, posters and other items that reflect your community’s identity.

Again, the initial investment is nil, as we will only need to make use of the print on demand service and we can design as many designs as we want without limits and without investing a euro.

As a final piece of advice, I suggest that you promote merchandising creatively and non-invasively so as not to alienate group members.

Start by wearing the products, just like I did with my T-shirts a few years ago. That way people will get used to it and slowly want to have it.

You can also do this method in the Facebook Marketplace, to increase the visibility of your products


  • Generates direct revenue
  • Strengthens the group’s sense of belonging and identity


  • Time to study products and generate designs
  • We need to understand what the wishes of the community are


networking is an indirect method of earning money through Facebook groups, but it has a high potential return on investment.

Creating and managing a successful group allows you to get in touch with other professionals, entrepreneurs, and potential clients in your industry (and beyond).

These connections can lead to lucrative job opportunities, collaborations and partnerships.

Since I started networking my life has turned upside down and changed for the better, so if you are not used to doing it know that this mode may be among the most beneficial you will find within this article.

To make the most of networking, make sure you are active and involved in your group, answering questions, sharing your expertise and offering support to members.

Finally, you might think about creating in-person get-together events using sites like EventBrite to boost your reputation and get to know face-to-face everyone you talk to daily on Facebook.


  • Increase visibility and reputation in your industry
  • Enhances opportunities for collaboration and partnerships


  • Requires time and energy to build and maintain relationships
  • May not generate direct revenue


collaborations are another way to make money with Facebook groups and are important because, in addition to making money, they make you grow through the exchange of ideas and opinions you will have with others.

You can collaborate with other professionals, influencers, or companies to create joint content, events, or products that will be of interest to members of your group.

You can focus on your niche or look for something complementary that may interest your users but with topics you don’t deal with directly.

In my opinion the latter solution is better because it brings a breath of fresh air into your content and does not jeopardize its authority.

In addition, you will be able to do a free exchange of collaborations.

To be successful, make sure you work with partners who share your values and interests and offer added value to your group members.


  • Expands the range of content and services offered in the group
  • Increase the visibility and reputation of your brand


  • It requires time and energy to manage everything
  • Difficult to find suitable partners


Integrating an e-commerce into your Facebook group is another way to earn money. And you will be able to do it easily with just a few clicks, since it is a feature already in the system.

You will be able to make posts and create content with links to various products, if the user clicks on them they will be taken to your e-commerce where they can pursue the purchase.

As you see below, there will also be a “Shop” tab in the group where you can conveniently list all of your products or services and make them appear prominent to your followers.

In the Diventerò Milionario group, I activated al store section to earn with e-commerce
Store section on the page of Diventerò Milionario

You can load them by hand from the platform or exploit automatic integrations that do it directly from WordPress, so rest assured that the procedure is neophyte-proof.

Once you have added them to the catalog, you can promote and sell them directly in the group, offering members an easy and convenient buying experience.

To be successful with e-commerce, make sure your site is up to par, otherwise you will lose all the users who come there to make a purchase.


  • Generates direct revenue
  • Increase the visibility of your products or services


  • Initial investment in e-commerce creation and management
  • May require warehouse and shipment management


Asking donations from members of your Facebook group is one method of earning money that can work if you offer valuable content and services.

But you have to have created a really strong community and be able to communicate at some level to get people to sign up.

I tell you, I have never been able to make this method work, but let me know if you can and confide all your secrets!

To get started you can use platforms such as Patreon, Ko-fi or PayPal to collect donations from members who wish to support your work.

To be successful with donations, it is important to be transparent about the use of funds raised and to offer exclusive benefits to donors, such as additional content, early access to news or special recognition.


  • Generates direct and recurring revenue
  • Strengthens the sense of community and support in the group


  • Unstable income over time
  • You have to continually produce to earn

Paid support groups

Take a service, such as can be ChatGPT or the Facebook groups themselves, and create around it a group to which people can turn for clarification, help or problem solving.

Once you have activated this system of fee-based support, you will be able to offer counseling, coaching or personalized support services to members in exchange for a fee.

Ninety percent of the people who contact you will always ask the same things, so you can optimize everything by creating videos guides or pdfs to send out to reduce time spent to zero and maximize revenue.

The remaining 10% will be issues that will require all your knowledge, but even if you are not up to it you can think about delegating the resolution to some freelance on Fiverr.

This way you will earn less but you will have saved a lot of time.

As you can see, being an expert helps, but being able to get help from those who know more is also a weapon not to be underestimated especially when we want to try to free up more and more time to live.


  • Generates direct revenue
  • Increase your reputation as an expert in your field


  • Requires time and energy to provide personalized support
  • It may be difficult to convince members to pay for support

Influencer marketing

If your group has a large base of active and interested members, you could be considered an influencer in your industry.

Le aziende valutano sempre attentamente queste figure, in quanto si sanno interfacciare con una determinata fetta di pubblico e riescono a far passare dei messaggi che le multinazionali non potrebbero mai fare.

This strategy is called influencer marketing and there are companies willing to pay you to promote their products or services in your group.

Even if you are paid now, don’t sell out and change your mind about products or services. If something was bad before, it will remain bad now.

To succeed with influencer marketing, it is important to maintain your authenticity and select collaborations that are in line with the interests and expectations of your group members and especially with your ideals.

Also, be sure to follow the regulations and guidelines on sponsored posts and do not break the rules of the contracts entered into with the commissioning companies.


  • Generates direct revenue
  • Boost your reputation and visibility in your industry


  • Large following to attract the attention of companies
  • Risk of losing members’ trust due to failed promotions

Sale of courses and training

If you are an expert in a particular field, you can create online courses, webinars, workshops, or other training resources for your group members and make money from sales of courses and training.

This method allows you to generate direct revenue and position yourself as an authority in your field.

And you will be able to scale them without any problems, since when you have registered them you will not have to do anything else except fix them now and then and add on-demand (or paid) content.

To be successful, it is important to offer high-quality, up-to-date and relevant content for your audience.

First, of course, you will have to make yourself known and get people to trust you and your skills.


  • Generates direct revenue
  • Boost your reputation as an expert


  • Time and energy to create and promote courses
  • Convincing members to pay for access to training materials

Selling the Facebook group

When the Facebook group is launched and has a certain level of passive income, you can think about selling it to monetize it and invest this capital in other projects.

Once you give it up, you will always be left with skills learned that you can reuse to create a group again from scratch or take courses where you explain everything to others.

The more money you make, the more your Facebook group will be valued and the more you will earn by selling it
Value varies according to profit

Expect to make a multiplier of about 20-25 times monthly earnings, so if you are now making 1000 $ per month, you can think about selling it for 25,000 $.

Obviously, the sale of digital products is very difficult and can be subject to problems and scams.

For this I recommend you use sites such as that act as intermediaries and ensure that both parties have what they want before unlocking money and access.


  • Big gain in one shot
  • You can resell the experience made


  • Needs a large group
  • Difficulty in finding a buyer

Additional tips for earning with Facebook groups

In addition to the monetization and promotion strategies already reviewed, there are other tactics that can help maximize the earnings of your Facebook group.

In this section we are going to look at the main tips I followed that helped me increase the number of subscribers to my Facebook Page.

Be sure to comply with the guidelines for monetization and advertising

Per rispettare le linee guida di Facebook, è importante familiarizzare con le Facebook Community Standards e le Facebook Business Terms.

As in any field, it is indeed fundamental to know the rules before we start playing. And if our money is at stake, it is best to study thoroughly what lies ahead.

Otherwise, we risk having our group (or page) shut down without notice and remaining without revenue from one minute to the next.

What are the best marketing strategies to promote my Facebook group and increase earnings?

Promoting your Facebook group is essential to increasing member engagement and earnings from the group. Here are some effective marketing strategies to promote your group and increase earnings:

  1. Create high-quality content
  2. Collaborate with other groups or pages
  3. Using advertising campaigns
  4. Involve existing members
  5. Offer incentives

Create high-quality content

Creating high-quality content consistent with the niche is an effective way to attract new members and keep existing members interested.

Seeks to create content that responds to members’ needs and interests, offering information and solutions to their problems.

Collaborate with other groups or pages

Collaborating with other groups or pages that share similar interests can help promote your group and increase its visibility.

To do this you will need to identify complementary groups or pages and propose collaboration through exchanges of posts or mutual promotion.

This may sound far-fetched, but it is a activity that everyone does on a daily basis, so don’t have a problem proposing it.

Using advertising campaigns

Ad campaigns can be an effective way to promote your Facebook group to a wider audience, if you are ready to scale it and have already validated the business model.

Use tools such as Facebook Ads to create targeted ads that reach potential members with similar interests to your existing audience.

Involve existing members

Ask members to invite their friends, encourage discussions and get members involved in creating content or choosing products or services to promote.

Engaging your group’s existing members is an effective way to promote your group and increase engagement, and as of early 2023 it is almost the only non-paying method for our posts to appear on users’ feeds (including those already subscribed).

Offer incentives

Offering incentives to members, such as discounts, previews or exclusive content, can further incentivize participation in your group and increase engagement.

Offer a giveaway to increase engagement and earnings for your business
An Amazon voucher is never refused

No one disdains a Amazon Bonus in exchange for a little action, so take heart and propose this win-win situation to your community.

What problems will you encounter as you try to make money with a Facebook group?

The main challenges in making money with a Facebook group include:

  • Maintain member engagement and loyalty
  • Balancing promotion with organic interaction
  • Finding monetization methods that fit the group’s audience and theme

Maintain member engagement and loyalty

Maintaining member engagement and loyalty is critical to the success of a Facebook group.

To do this, it is important to publish content that is high quality and relevant to the interests of your audience.

You will have to turn yourself into a detective and try to figure out what are the most common problems and questions among members and try to provide solutions and answers through your posts and content.

Sometimes very little is needed. Create a survey and see what users respond to it. You will understand very clearly what their concerns are and what they expect to find.

Another nice feature that can help is the activation of the “most active member” badge.

Because of the badge, the more people interact, the more they are rewarded with badges.
Users are driven to interact

As you see from the image above, activation is a matter of a few clicks within Facebook settings, but the result it can give is really great.

By introducing this gamification people are prompted to interact, take the initiative, and comment in order to claim this title.

I can confirm this because I myself have been a victim of this, and as you can see from the image below I have succeeded in my intent.

I became one of the most active people in a group that I am a member of
I am the most active person in a Facebook group

Last but not least, establish a relationship of trust and authenticity with people within the Facebook group, so that they feel part of a community and are more likely to stay within.

Balancing promotion with organic interaction

No one likes to feel exploited, so I advise you to carefully balance useful content with content that serves to make you gain.

Then if you can make the two overlap, even better. But basically remember that you are dealing with people, so treat them as they deserve and not as wallets with legs.

To balance promotion, try to follow the 80/20 rule.

To make money with Facebook groups, try to optimize the quality of content
You have to give value, but you also have to earn

This means that 80 percent of your posts should focus on valuable content, discussions and interactions with members, while the remaining 20 percent can be devoted to promoting products, services or sponsored content.

Depending on the type of niche or relationship you have with the community, you can adjust it, but I recommend never going below this level.

So at least 1 in 5 posts has to make you money, but I know groups that get to 1 in 3 with no problem (but offer some absolutely valuable content).

Finding monetization methods that fit the group’s audience and theme

To maximize earnings from your Facebook group, it is critical to find monetization methods that fit the audience and theme of the group.

To do this, it is important to know the community and understand what products, services or content might be of interest to them.

For example, if you run a photography group, you might offer online courses, workshops or photography products in affiliation.

Don’t get stuck on the initial idea and stay open to all the possibilities you can see.


As we have seen, there are several methods of earning money from Facebook groups, both directly and indirectly.

To be successful, it is important to focus on the quality of the content and services you offer, maintain a balance between promotion and organic engagement, and tailor your strategy to the needs and interests of your group members.

You can try doing this in conjunction with a Telegram group, to see where users react best and to double the pool of users you can reach.

Remember that opening the group is free and that you can try and try again without investing a euro (but only your time).

Do you already use Facebook groups to monetize, or were you just curious what methods existed?

Let me know in the comments or by email to


This article is only informational and NOT for professional or educational purposes. The topics covered must not be understood as financial advice.

Do not sell or purchase of the financial securities covered.

You must always think with your own head and act only if you understand what you are doing. If not, better stay still.

In any case, only invest capital that you are willing to lose, because that is what could happen!

The author and the website disclaim all responsibility for any action taken or not taken based on the content of this article.

FAQ Section

Facebook group administrator gain

The income of a Facebook group administrator varies according to the cost of the monthly subscription, which ranges from $4.99 to $29.99 per month.There are no commissions, so all of the income goes into the pockets of the administrator(s).It is also possible to make money from Facebook groups through other methods such as memberships, sponsorships and more.

How much do Facebook groups earn?

Facebook group earnings vary depending on the monetization method used and the number of active members. There is no fixed amount, as it depends on the strategies adopted by the group administrator and the level of member engagement.

How much money can you make with a Facebook page?

There is no fixed amount, as earnings depend on fan engagement and close partnerships with companies and sponsors. In addition, earning with a Facebook page depends on the monetization strategies employed, such as advertising, affiliate marketing, or selling products and services.

How much does a Facebook group cost?

Creating and managing a Facebook group is free.

What is the best way to engage my Facebook group members and maximize earnings?

To engage your Facebook group members and maximize earnings, you must offer valuable content that addresses members’ needs and interests. Interact regularly through comments, polls, and discussions, listen to feedback, and adjust your content and monetization strategy accordingly.